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Elegant & curated articles by Omar M Almahmoud, selected from his daily writings and reading list in life, business and self improvement. All republished articles are owned by their original authors. The articles are reblogged here under Fair Use for educational and non commercial purposes.


Being Alone Can Be Good for Your Mental Health

In the ’80s, the Italian journalist and author Tiziano Terzani, after many years of reporting across Asia, holed himself up in a cabin in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. “For a month I had no one to talk to except my dog Baoli,” he wrote in his travelogue A Fortune Teller Told Me. Terzani passed the time with books, observing nature, “listening to the winds in the trees, watching butterflies, enjoying silence.”

6 Habits of Super Learners

Becoming a super learner is one of the most important skills you need to succeed in the 21st century. In the age technological change, staying ahead depends on continual self-education — a lifelong mastery of new models, skills and ideas. In a world that’s changing fast, the ability to learn a new skill as fast as possible is quickly becoming a necessity. The good news is, you don’t need a

Downloadable Neurons, Life on Mars: A Physicist’s View of Where We’re Headed

We almost didn’t have a future. Seventy-five thousand years ago, an apocalyptic volcanic explosion at Lake Toba in present-day Indonesia darkened the skies with ash and toxic smoke. In the ruin that followed, some researchers believe, only a small, ragged band of humans survived. If this is true, then almost everyone on Earth owes his or her own existence to 2,000 or so hardy individuals. It was their progeny who