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Elegant & curated articles by Omar M Almahmoud, selected from his daily writings and reading list in life, business and self improvement. All republished articles are owned by their original authors. The articles are reblogged here under Fair Use for educational and non commercial purposes.


This Is The Mind-Set You’ll Need In Order To Thrive In The Future Of Work

In the 1930s, long before machine learning was anything more than a figment of popular sci-fi imagination, the Swiss clinical psychologist Jean Piaget identified four universal stages of cognitive development. His work suggested that adolescents reached a final, “formal operations” stage, in which they remained throughout adulthood. This includes the ability to think through things in the abstract and draw conclusions, without the need for direct, physical experience. advertisement advertisement

Why Do People Mistake Narcissism for High Self-Esteem?

The “charismatic air” of narcissists– from their flashy attire, to their self-assured behaviors, to their charming glances, to their witty humor– often makes a big first impression. At the same time, people seem to be really good at accurately perceiving narcissism in others based on minimal information (even just physical appearance is usually enough of a cue to accurately perceive narcissism). Which raises an interesting question: why are narcissists– which

How to find yourself in this crazy world and discover who you are

Fair to say you’re reading this article cocooned in your home under lockdown or self-isolation. Unfortunately, it looks like we will be hibernating in seclusion for a while. But social isolation doesn’t have to be all bad. When you think about it, it’s an incredible opportunity to learn more about ourselves. Because when we remove ourselves from the social context of our lives, we are better able to see how