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Elegant & curated articles by Omar M Almahmoud, selected from his daily writings and reading list in life, business and self improvement. All republished articles are owned by their original authors. The articles are reblogged here under Fair Use for educational and non commercial purposes.

Self Development

The Simple Art of Creating Long-Lasting Habits

Source As a news reporter in Iraq, Charles Duhigg had a front row seat to what he dubbed “one of the biggest habit-formation experiments in history”: the U.S. military in action. He witnessed an army major deal with violent outbreaks in public plazas in Kufa by removing the crowd’s access to food. It turned out angry people turn into an angry mob, but hungry people go home and eat. Almost

Being Different Beats Being Better

I always thought that the best wins at anything. That might be true for sports. But not for life and business. If you’re trying to build a profitable business or stable career, you might be approaching it all wrong. At least, I was. And I think that the common belief about success is also totally wrong. I get it when it comes to sports. There’s only one place at the

How to Understand Your Values | The Minimalists

No matter how fast you travel, you’ll never reach your destination if you’re headed in the wrong direction. Throughout my roughly four decades on this planet, I’ve learned that the best way to live a meaningful life is to align your short-term actions with your long-term values; that is, to make your future self proud of your present self. Otherwise, you’ll careen from one pleasurable experience to another, which might