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Elegant & curated articles by Omar M Almahmoud, selected from his daily writings and reading list in life, business and self improvement. All republished articles are owned by their original authors. The articles are reblogged here under Fair Use for educational and non commercial purposes.

Self Development

Why Being a Jerk Can Be a Valuable Life Skill – Mark Manson – Pocket

Kryssia Campos/Getty Images Eighty years ago, researchers began one of the longest and most complicated projects to understand human behavior in history. It would take almost 50 years to complete. But their work would define an entire field of psychology. It started with an idea: that people have different fundamental character traits and these character traits are inherited and stable throughout one’s life. It was the idea of personality. The

How to Be Kind to Yourself & Still Get Stuff Done : zen habits

By Leo Babauta I’ve found that there are two profound changes that almost any of of us can make: Become kinder to ourselves Build trust in ourselves Unfortunately, because we don’t really trust ourselves, we’re very rarely kind to ourselves. When I ask people to start being kind to themselves, they usually come back at some point with this dilemma: “But if I’m too kind to myself, I won’t get

What is Hard Work?

“Hard work” isn’t physical–it’s emotional. Work hard and you can achieve anything. That’s a bit of advice that’s been repeated to us so many times that it’s sort of lost its meaning. The problem is that we already feel like we are working hard, but for many of us, it seems like we aren’t getting anywhere. So, is that advice complete bunk? I would argue that it isn’t. Rather, I