“Hard work” isn’t physical–it’s emotional. Work hard and you can achieve anything. That’s a bit of advice that’s been repeated to us so many times that it’s sort of lost its meaning. The problem is that we already feel like we are working hard, but for many of us, it seems like we aren’t getting anywhere. So, is that advice complete bunk? I would argue that it isn’t. Rather, I
Self Development
Why Don’t We Know How to Protect Our Time?
The cognitive errors that make us waste our most valuable resource Credit: Westend61/Getty All day, we let it happen. A neighbor comes by and babbles on about a bunch of nonsense, and we politely nod, even if we are in a hurry. Or some co-workers start gossiping about something petty, and we let ourselves get drawn in, never stopping to think about the time wasted. Or we get a message
Career Therapy
There are few questions harder or lonelier than: ‘what should I do with the rest of my working life?’. We are often simply meant to know the answer – and a lot of people tend to be invested in us continuing along the safe and predictable path. But, in private, some of us are acutely aware that we aren’t very happy where we are – and would love to find