Kryssia Campos/Getty Images Eighty years ago, researchers began one of the longest and most complicated projects to understand human behavior in history. It would take almost 50 years to complete. But their work would define an entire field of psychology. It started with an idea: that people have different fundamental character traits and these character traits are inherited and stable throughout one’s life. It was the idea of personality. The
Self Development
How to Be Kind to Yourself & Still Get Stuff Done : zen habits
By Leo Babauta I’ve found that there are two profound changes that almost any of of us can make: Become kinder to ourselves Build trust in ourselves Unfortunately, because we don’t really trust ourselves, we’re very rarely kind to ourselves. When I ask people to start being kind to themselves, they usually come back at some point with this dilemma: “But if I’m too kind to myself, I won’t get
The Nine Habits to Increase Your Energy | Scott H Young
Energy, not time, is the basis for productivity. Having all the hours in the day won’t help you if you’re exhausted for most of it. Your habits define your energy levels. If you have good habits, you’ll feel energized and be more resilient to burn out, both physically and mentally. If your habits are misaligned, you can get into a cycle where you feel worse and worse, until your it’s