In the past, time management experts would recommend that you divide up your work into A tasks, B tasks, and C tasks. The concept was to do the A tasks first, then the B tasks, then the C tasks, when you can get to them. If priorities changed, you just changed the order of your As, Bs, and Cs. Doing all aspects of a job seemed possible then, if you
Self Development
The Art of Creating a Ritual for What Matters Most : zen habits
“Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again.” ~Joseph Campbell By Leo Babauta In this world where technology and consumerism have become our religion, we’ve largely lost something magical: the ability to elevate something into the realm of the sacred. I’m not a fan of Catholic priests, but if you watch them perform the Eucharistic ritual in mass, it feels like a moment of true magic.

How to start drawing
Today is a good day to start drawing. If you are, like most adults, insecure about your artistic skills, take heart. Drawing isn’t just about making art, but rather “a tool for learning above all else,” as D.B. Dowd explains in his book Stick Figures: Drawing as a Human Practice. Putting pen to paper has many benefits. It develops the capacity for close observation, introspection, patience, and humility—vital attributes during a