Imagine yourself exercising: running, hiking, dancing, lifting weights — whatever you like to do. Picture yourself pushing to a maximum intensity. Now, ask yourself: Are you breathing out of your nose or mouth? If you are like most exercisers, you breathe through your mouth, especially as the intensity of the exercise mounts. But experts are learning that breathing through the mouth may not be as efficient or effective as breathing
Self Development

Being Alone Can Be Good for Your Mental Health
In the ’80s, the Italian journalist and author Tiziano Terzani, after many years of reporting across Asia, holed himself up in a cabin in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. “For a month I had no one to talk to except my dog Baoli,” he wrote in his travelogue A Fortune Teller Told Me. Terzani passed the time with books, observing nature, “listening to the winds in the trees, watching butterflies, enjoying silence.”

The Two Things Killing Your Ability to Focus
Executive Summary Managers and employees increasingly find themselves stumbling through the workday bombarded by distractions from every direction. Constant updates from digital devices and constant meetings are the main culprits of personal distraction in the workplace. These issues need to be reined in by business leaders if productivity and employee well-being is a priority. The author provides five daily practices to help employees carve out more time for themselves in