We almost didn’t have a future. Seventy-five thousand years ago, an apocalyptic volcanic explosion at Lake Toba in present-day Indonesia darkened the skies with ash and toxic smoke. In the ruin that followed, some researchers believe, only a small, ragged band of humans survived. If this is true, then almost everyone on Earth owes his or her own existence to 2,000 or so hardy individuals. It was their progeny who
Self Development
Science Says People Who Are Always Late Are More Successful and Live Longer
We all have that friend (or maybe, we are that friend) who is late to every single brunch, baby shower, and school board meeting ever put in the calendar and spend most Sundays slinking into the back pew at church hoping not to draw attention. While Southerners pride themselves on good manners, which includes timeliness, some people simply seem incapable of being on time. While it’s certainly a frustrating characteristic
How to Break Your Addiction to Work
For many of us, working simply feels good. But just because it feeds your ego or makes you feel important, that doesn’t mean it’s actually good for you. How do you break the cycle of working long hours at the office and constantly checking email at home? How do you persuade those around you — similarly work-obsessed colleagues or a demanding boss — that working all the time isn’t healthy? How