The Book in Three Sentences You can do just about anything if you break down the task into habits. You are more likely to stick with good habits over the long run if you start with tiny habits that are incredibly easy in the beginning. When you miss a habit once, getting back on track and sticking with the next occurrence of that habit should become the top priority in
Self Development

Psychologists Explain How To Stop Overthinking Everything
Overthinking can lead to serious emotional distress and increase your risk of mental health problems Image from Thinking about something in endless circles — is exhausting. While everyone overthinks a few things once in a while, chronic over-thinkers spend most of their waking time ruminating, which puts pressure on themselves. They then mistake that pressure to be stress. “There are people who have levels of overthinking that are just

The Way You Read Books Says A Lot About Your Intelligence, Here’s Why
This is why the smartest people in the world own tons of books they don’t read. If you love to read as much as I do, walking into a bookstore as an adult feels exactly like walking into a candy store as a kid. The shelves are lined with the wisdom of humanity, insights that each author has spent years refining. It’s all right there at your fingertips, condensed into