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Elegant & curated articles by Omar M Almahmoud, selected from his daily writings and reading list in life, business and self improvement. All republished articles are owned by their original authors. The articles are reblogged here under Fair Use for educational and non commercial purposes.

Self Development

The Dark Side of Self-Control

Executive Summary An ability to override short-term impulses that conflict with long-term goals is a hallmark of successful people. But is resisting temptation always beneficial? A small but growing body of research has begun to illuminate a dark side of self-control. Self-control can restrict emotional experiences. It can lead to long-term regret. It can lead to burnout. It can lead to ethical transgressions and discrimination. Self-control is an important tactic for reaching one’s

3 Surprising Benefits of Bodyweight Training

It might surprise you to find out that some of the most prolific athletes in pro basketball, football and golf are switching their routines from traditional weight lifting to being primarily bodyweight based. Hundreds of athletes from quarterback Drew Brees, to Olympic Swimmer Christine Magnusson, and UFC athlete Brandon Vera all use bodyweight exercise as a main portion of their exercise routine. What’s causing this shift from the gym to

How to Stop Overthinking

You’re missing out on what’s in front of you Photo by 胡 卓亨 on Unsplash How many hours per day do you think? “I never thought about that,” you’re probably saying. So let me get this straight: You’re thinking all the time, and yet you never consider how much time you spend thinking. That sounds like an addiction to me. I know, because I’m addicted to thinking, too. Overthinking is