No matter how fast you travel, you’ll never reach your destination if you’re headed in the wrong direction. Throughout my roughly four decades on this planet, I’ve learned that the best way to live a meaningful life is to align your short-term actions with your long-term values; that is, to make your future self proud of your present self. Otherwise, you’ll careen from one pleasurable experience to another, which might
The Cognitive Biases Tricking Your Brain
I am staring at a photograph of myself that shows me 20 years older than I am now. I have not stepped into the twilight zone. Rather, I am trying to rid myself of some measure of my present bias, which is the tendency people have, when considering a trade-off between two future moments, to more heavily weight the one closer to the present. A great many academic studies have
I Wake Up At 4 AM Everyday, What the Heck is Wrong with Me?
How to Make Time for the Work You’re Passionate about No Matter How Busy Your Life Becomes Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash I usually beat the alarm, watching 3:53 AM roll into 4 AM, getting my day started. The very first thing I do everyday is to make my bed. It’s a simple task with a lot of symbolism, and a powerful statement to yourself and the Universe about