It’s easy to think of happiness as a result, but happiness is also a driver. Easier said than done though, right? Actually, many changes are easy. Here are 10 science-based ways to be happier from Belle Beth Cooper, Content Crafter at Buffer, the social media management tool that lets you schedule, automate, and analyze social media updates. Here’s Beth: 1. Exercise: 7 Minutes Could Be Enough Think exercise is something

33 Smart Habits That Will Train Other People to Treat You With Respect
If that sounds like you, how can you increase the respect you get each day at work? It turns out that there are specific habits you can cultivate that allow you to train the people you work with to treat you respectfully each day. Here are 33 of these proven habits that can help, if you’re willing to stick with them. Implement a few, take inspiration from the others, and you’ll

How to Master the Art of Continuous Improvement
What is Continuous Improvement? Let’s define continuous improvement. Continuous improvement is a dedication to making small changes and improvements every day, with the expectation that those small improvements will add up to something significant. The typical approach to self-improvement is to set a large goal, then try to take big leaps in order to accomplish the goal in as little time as possible. While this may sound good in theory,