Fair to say you’re reading this article cocooned in your home under lockdown or self-isolation. Unfortunately, it looks like we will be hibernating in seclusion for a while. But social isolation doesn’t have to be all bad. When you think about it, it’s an incredible opportunity to learn more about ourselves. Because when we remove ourselves from the social context of our lives, we are better able to see how

Stop Trying to Change Yourself
You can’t change yourself, so don’t even try. I know that’s not what the infomercials and self-help seminars tell you. But fuck it. They’re wrong. You can’t change. Like a thirsty man in a desert chasing a mirage, or a fat man peering into an empty fridge—there’s nothing there. So stop chasing it. Go do something else instead. Why can’t you change yourself? Because the whole idea of change is

Time-Management Tips From the Productivity Expert Who Trains Google Executives – Quartz – Pocket
Laura Mae Martin has been a natural task optimizer since childhood. Making cookies with her sister, she would insist on an assembly line system. Efficiency is her idea of fun. Now Martin is Google’s in-house, self-taught productivity trainer, leading a team of 15 others and working as an advisor to executives in a role that she invented for herself using the 20 percent of paid time that “Googlers” can dedicate to