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Elegant & curated articles by Omar M Almahmoud, selected from his daily writings and reading list in life, business and self improvement. All republished articles are owned by their original authors. The articles are reblogged here under Fair Use for educational and non commercial purposes.

Ways to look after your mental health and wellbeing

There are many simple ways to look after your mental health on a daily basis. We are all different and what works for one of us may not work for another. There are little things you can do daily which may help. Here are some things you can try that may help to look after your mental health and wellbeing: Do things with others. Spending time with family or friends,

How Do People Get Rich? 2 Case Studies

How do people become wealthy? I’ve been interested in that question because you can learn from other people’s success. If you look up that question, you automatically find more information about how people like Jeff Bezos got rich. But I’m more interested in learning from people that are not covered by the media. “Normal” wealthy people that live in your city — not the billionaires who live on Park Avenue.

How to Take Control of Your Internal Dialogue So You Can Live a Life of Purpose

On a downtown bus, just as it is pulling in to its next stop, a woman stands up, slaps the face of the man next to her, and hurries to the exit. Each passenger who saw what happened reacts in their own way.  A middle-aged man feels sad for the man who was slapped.  A younger woman is frightened.  A teenage boy is angry.  Another woman feels excited.  How could