Many successful writers of novels, blockbuster films and made-for-TV holiday movies follow a time-tested formula. It’s called the three-act structure. The three-act formula has been entrenched in Hollywood for decades. Screenwriters tell me it’s nearly impossible to get a movie sold if it doesn’t follow the structure. Movie franchises like Star Wars follow the template perfectly. If you incorporate this narrative model into your next business presentation, it will give you
8 key ways running can transform your body and brain
Running can significantly improve physical and mental health. As a form of aerobic exercise, running can reduce stress, improve heart health, and even help alleviate symptoms of depression. Some researchers think running may be so good for us because it’s something we evolved to do. People are built to run. Many experts think human bodies are shaped the way they are because we evolved to be extremely effective endurance runners.
Japan’s unusual way to view the world
Withdrawing my hands reluctantly from the slowly spinning bowl, I watched its uneven sides slowly come to a stop, wishing I could straighten them out just a little more. I was in the ancient pottery town of Hagi in rural Yamaguchi, Japan, and while I trusted the potter who convinced me to let it be, I can’t say I understood his motives. Smiling, he announced, “it has wabi-sabi” – and