By Leo Babauta December can be a cold and dark month for many people, a time of lowered energy while still being very busy. For that reason, I find that’s an amazing time for: Retreat: Take a little time out of my busy year for a little quiet solitude and turning inward, creating space for silence, contemplation and mindfulness. Reflection: This quiet time is a time to reflect on how
2. Articles by other Writers
The Joys of Solitude and the Power of Silence
The Joy of SolitudeSolitude isn’t a word that we hear used very often in the modern world. The definition according to is, “the state of being or living alone; seclusion; remoteness from habitations; absence of human activity; a lonely, unfrequented place”. – This article was originally posted at For more articles like this please subscribe to the Weekly Newsletter.
Being Different Beats Being Better
I always thought that the best wins at anything. That might be true for sports. But not for life and business. If you’re trying to build a profitable business or stable career, you might be approaching it all wrong. At least, I was. And I think that the common belief about success is also totally wrong. I get it when it comes to sports. There’s only one place at the