Your most important tasks guarantee better and faster results Many of us work in an endless stream of tasks, emails, notifications, meetings, multitasking in the process, never pausing and never-ending. Pursuing more and more every day. Left unchecked, our to-do lists can get overwhelming. You can only make the most of limited resources like time and energy if you deliberately pursue few things you can do better instead of trying
2. Articles by other Writers

You Can Achieve More With Less by Pursuing The Vital Few Instead of The Trivial Many

10 Ways to Homeschool: Methods, Styles & Approaches
Out of all the homeschooling methods and styles, what’s the best one? The answer isn’t always the same for every family as different people have different tastes. Furthermore, parents and children have educational preferences about the way they want to home educate which will mean every homeschool looks a little (or a lot) different from the other. Indeed, we’ve identified 10 different ways to homeschool in this article! But, the

New Harvard Research: To Be Successful Chase Your Purpose, Not Your Passion
“Follow your passion” is one of the most frequently repeated bits of work advice. It’s also one of the most frequently criticized, and for good reason. Experts suggest that, for most of us, hard work makes us passionate for a field rather than the other way around. We develop passion for what we do over time, rather than starting out with a clear, defined passion for a particular career path. But